Aug 14, 2007

That's the question, of course, when faced with an uncertain number of people who will show up that night. Do we dream big and hope for a huge turnout, but then overbuy? Or do we go cheap and conservative, but then also set ourselves up for a situation in which lots of people will be disappointed (and hungry)? The latter is not an option and certainly not one of our values.

Thankfully, we have some perspective we can bring to this problem since we've done this barbecue thing several years now.

Last year, we bought, marinated, and grilled 800 lbs of Korean barbecue short ribs. Unfortunately, we also ran out before the half hour was over, and a dispatch was sent to Berkeley's finest, Top Dog and we started grilling sausages, frankfurters, and hot links. The guys didn't mind so much, but it was still a real learning experience.

This year, we're projecting 1000 lbs of meat. That's right, folks. 1000 pounds. I've heard male arctic polar bears stand 11' tall, and,
if they're really well fed, can weigh upwards of 1000 pounds. Now that's perspective.


Anonymous said...

Polar bears are awesome!

Anonymous said...

alright! 1000 pounds of meat!

Anonymous said...

I guess we vegetarians aren't welcome.

How many innocent animals must you slaughter? Ever think of them and their suffering?

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