Aug 22, 2007

Setting up a table out on Sproul is pretty risky business. We blend in with rest of the tables out there and disappear into the milling masses. So what do you do to stand out? Some groups try big canopies, writing the word "FREE" in really big lettering (we do that too sometimes!), blasting loud music, and sending out people from their clubs to flyer, engage passing strollers, and start a conversation.

That last bit is kind of hard. Who wants to stand in the middle of Sproul and say hello to people you've never met, hand them a flyer (when they already have 20), and risk getting rejected?

But fact of the matter is, we remember what it's like being a new student on campus. And we don't underestimate what a comfort a warm smile and outstretched hand can be to someone new. At a certain level, it's not about the flyer. It's about saying hi, maybe brightening someone's day, and spreading the word that there's something happening on campus on Thursday night we'd really like to invite you to.

We have 83 people helping out at our tables, logging in a total of 320 man hours. But it's not just about the numbers. It's about standing out there in the midst of the passing crowd and hoping to connect with others, whether a brief exchange of words or even a momentary smile.

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