Aug 21, 2007

Program is one of those unfortunate homonyms that can mean quite different things. On the one hand, there's a line-up we got planned for the entire night: live music, skit, video (two of them!), message, and announcements. As in, "The New Student Welcome Night program is full of some pretty good stuff."

On the other hand, program could also refers to the paper or booklet every person gets when she walks through the doors of Wheeler Hall. So I could say, "The program handed to me tonight is designed well. It looks cool." And, I would suggest, unlike other pieces of paper you found in your welcome folder or were handed to you in an obscure way to answer some questions you never knew you had, the program we're going to give out at New Student Welcome Night will be informative and beneficial.

Hannah and Steve are finalizing the program, and it goes to production tomorrow.

New to this year's program is a whole listing of coupons. They're deals cut to us by our local sponsors. Here's a sampling of the places supporting us:

  • Ben & Jerry's
  • Chang Luong Restaurant
  • Fins Restaurant
  • Papamingo
  • Tako Sushi
  • Tapioca Express
Wonder how we got all these sponsors? Let's thank Kevin for his tireless PR work. (applause applause)

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Welcome Week

Welcome Week is notoriously boring. Don't believe us? Well, just wait and you'll see... here's some ways to inject some fun into the week, meet some people, and get introduced to the community we're talking about when we say "fellowship"

  • Dim Sum Talk Some
  • Fondue & Your Future
  • Hoops & Hamburgers
  • Small Group Open House
  • Strike!
  • Taquitos & Talk
  • and more...

Interested? Check out the acts2fellowship and Koinonia websites for more info, contact numbers, and meeting times!