Jul 20, 2007

Yes, we said the Barbecue would be next up for discussion, but first things' first. These days it's all about reserving rooms.

Got to get the room for New Student Welcome Night, reserve the Campanile Plaza and Memorial Glade for the pre-NSWN barbecue, and what about the acts2fellowship Welcome Night and the Koinonia Welcome Night the week after? We want to make sure there's enough time to hang out afterwards, so we need another room for that. It's endless! We haven't even started talking about rooms for weekly bible studies and small groups.

Thankfully, the two Councils have been doing a lot of running around on campus, talking to administrators (really nice, great, wonderful and lovely administrators!... in case they're reading), getting permits (we need a food permit and an outdoor amplified sound permit in order to do our NSWN barbecue), logging in hours on the UCB room reservation website, and overall just making sure there's an auditorium for people to show up at.

Reserving rooms: who'd 'a thought it'd be so tedious and time-consuming? But thank goodness buds like John, Paulina, and Jasper (mighty seniors!) have been so willing to run ahead and pull the NSWN 2007 cart.

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  • Dim Sum Talk Some
  • Fondue & Your Future
  • Hoops & Hamburgers
  • Small Group Open House
  • Strike!
  • Taquitos & Talk
  • and more...

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