Jul 11, 2007

July 11 might be the official launch date of this blog, but it's ain't the beginning of New Student Welcome Night 2007 planning. That started some weeks ago. The old councils met together and did the handoff, and the ball started rolling. This website's just playing at catch up.

One of the first things on the table as we were planning were ideas for different videos: a new NSWN video and a NSWN ad. For those of you who worked on the last NSWN video, you're probably thinking, "That's a lot of work! Do we have enough time?" And others are wondering, "What's a NSWN ad?" Both questions are good. And answers are going to be vague, because part of the fun is that the whole night is looking to surprise: not only new Berkeley students and friends attending our event, but also our own Koinonia and acts2fellowship members! Awesome.

Stay tuned. We're just getting started.

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Who We Are

Welcome Week

Welcome Week is notoriously boring. Don't believe us? Well, just wait and you'll see... here's some ways to inject some fun into the week, meet some people, and get introduced to the community we're talking about when we say "fellowship"

  • Dim Sum Talk Some
  • Fondue & Your Future
  • Hoops & Hamburgers
  • Small Group Open House
  • Strike!
  • Taquitos & Talk
  • and more...

Interested? Check out the acts2fellowship and Koinonia websites for more info, contact numbers, and meeting times!