Aug 23, 2007

Jammed between all the program elements is a guy who's going to get up on stage and talk. He'll come after the Korean barbecue fills our stomachs. He'll come after the rocking live band takes the stage in the midst of green and blue lights flashing through the auditorium, delivering on live music that's sure to bring the house down. He'll come after the welcome announcements by our esteemed club president, and after the skit which is not only a deft display of thespian talent, but is also a comic parody of all our college experiences, whether you're a "I've been here at Cal six days" student or "I'm a working professional" alumni.

He'll walk up after the Bourne-esque lightsaber video, and he'll stand there at the front of the stage, and look at every one of us. And then he'll talk. He'll talk about life--about your life and mine. He'll talk about his life, and in the telling of it maybe give us a window into our own.

The plush seats will probably beckon some of us to dreamy Neverland (especially after that barbecue), but if you manage to stay awake and listen, I'll bet you'll be glad you did.

Today is the day! It's a little hard to believe, but the day has arrived at last and all the cylinders in the machine are going at full tilt. There's bustling activity everywhere I look, but just want to step back and throw a curve ball, and take a slightly different angle in this post.

In a culture and society that's so media charged and there's so much eye candy in the movies and TV to engage us, it's a breath of fresh air to know excellence, humor, and an intriguing program aren't relegated only to the secular media. Our society (and our campus) isn't one to credit religion--much less Christians--with innovative entertainment, thought-provoking content, or stuff thrown on stage and on the big screen so good it'll make you laugh til you cry (and still avoid the crass edge of what passes for accepted entertainment).

I, for one, am thankful that all of you invited are coming to something I'm proud of putting on stage, prepared and ready for public consumption not only because it communicates a message, but that it does so in an engaging, fun, and attractive way. I'm really looking forward to the Welcome Night, from the moment I pick up the Korean barbecue with my hands, to the closing moments as we all stream out of Wheeler Auditorium.

Aug 22, 2007

If only all meat tasted like Korean barbecue. But, alas, that's not the case. Someone's got to do the work to prep the meat, transport it, marinate it, chop it up, and put it on the grill. To marinate 1000 lbs of Korean barbecue tonight, it took:

  • 23 people
  • 25 cutting boards
  • 24 knives
  • 6 food processors
  • 22 tongs
  • 17 really big bowls filled with soy sauce and marinating stuff

Additionally, it took four guys and a big truck to pick up all the meat and transport it this afternoon. Here's a picture so you see how many boxes we're talking about:

So you've circled, "Free Korean Barbecue and New Student Welcome Night" on your Welcome Week calendar. That's a good thing, for sure. But what to expect? Seems like everyone and their cousin is going to be there.

In previous years people came to the barbecue because they got one of our ubiquitous flyers, met a new friend who was going, or just smelled the thing as they were walking by. Here was the common scenario in years past: New student goes to registration table, says hello, gets name tag, wanders over to really long line which is serpentine in form and Disneyland in length, gets plate of food (which smells really good), isn't sure where to sit, is a little intimidated by the massive amount of people, and (if said student came alone) uncomfortably sits near a cluster of people trying to belong, and enjoys good food. If said student is lucky, will meet a Koinonia or acts2fellowship member and strike up a good conversation.

We always thought that wasn't a very good experience. Yeah, the food's good. But it's not just about the food. It's about the people, meeting someone and connecting with them, finding out a little bit about our group and what makes us tick. So here's the scenario you can expect tomorrow night (it's only one day away!): New student comes to registration table and gets cool name tag with colored sticker, says hello, gets plugged into a group of 10-15 other people, is directed to big cluster of colored balloons corresponding to the color on her name tag, sits down with group and meets other people and has interesting conversation, eats good food, has more groovy conversation (like, "I know someone from that high school!" or "I visited your hometown before... I think it was when I got lost on the way to my SAT." or "Oh my gosh! I collect spoofy youtube movies too!"), and then walks over to Wheeler Auditorium with new group of friends, laughing and holding hands all the way.

With the exception of the holding hands part, that's what you can expect tomorrow night when you get to the barbecue. See you there!

Setting up a table out on Sproul is pretty risky business. We blend in with rest of the tables out there and disappear into the milling masses. So what do you do to stand out? Some groups try big canopies, writing the word "FREE" in really big lettering (we do that too sometimes!), blasting loud music, and sending out people from their clubs to flyer, engage passing strollers, and start a conversation.

That last bit is kind of hard. Who wants to stand in the middle of Sproul and say hello to people you've never met, hand them a flyer (when they already have 20), and risk getting rejected?

But fact of the matter is, we remember what it's like being a new student on campus. And we don't underestimate what a comfort a warm smile and outstretched hand can be to someone new. At a certain level, it's not about the flyer. It's about saying hi, maybe brightening someone's day, and spreading the word that there's something happening on campus on Thursday night we'd really like to invite you to.

We have 83 people helping out at our tables, logging in a total of 320 man hours. But it's not just about the numbers. It's about standing out there in the midst of the passing crowd and hoping to connect with others, whether a brief exchange of words or even a momentary smile.

Aug 21, 2007

If you haven't gotten one personally, go to Sproul. If you have extra, pass them around!

Program is one of those unfortunate homonyms that can mean quite different things. On the one hand, there's a line-up we got planned for the entire night: live music, skit, video (two of them!), message, and announcements. As in, "The New Student Welcome Night program is full of some pretty good stuff."

On the other hand, program could also refers to the paper or booklet every person gets when she walks through the doors of Wheeler Hall. So I could say, "The program handed to me tonight is designed well. It looks cool." And, I would suggest, unlike other pieces of paper you found in your welcome folder or were handed to you in an obscure way to answer some questions you never knew you had, the program we're going to give out at New Student Welcome Night will be informative and beneficial.

Hannah and Steve are finalizing the program, and it goes to production tomorrow.

New to this year's program is a whole listing of coupons. They're deals cut to us by our local sponsors. Here's a sampling of the places supporting us:

  • Ben & Jerry's
  • Chang Luong Restaurant
  • Fins Restaurant
  • Papamingo
  • Tako Sushi
  • Tapioca Express
Wonder how we got all these sponsors? Let's thank Kevin for his tireless PR work. (applause applause)

Aug 20, 2007

Who would have thought being on the Welcome Week Calendar would be such a hip move? But hip it is. Or you could say cool, groovy, sick, wicked, any number of words.

Why do I say that? Well, Ultimate Pizza was one of those events that made it into the official calendar, and it was supposed to be a cool hangout time playing ultimate frisbee and having some good ol' Costco pizza. Turns out 400 people crowded VSLB Lawn, laughing, sprawling around the grass, and talking with one another. That, my friends, is pretty cool.

Of course, there's more Welcome Week events coming up. Just check the right nav bar, or you can always go straight to the acts2fellowship and Koinonia websites.

If it feels like there's too much time and too little to do during Welcome Week, you're probably right. Check us out. It couldn't hurt... and you might end up meeting 399 other people who're thinking the same thing.

Aug 18, 2007

Even though we're all web savvy and can find just about anything we need between Google and Wikipedia, there's still a need for paper, flyers you can hold in your hand, and posters you can see plastered on bulletin boards and telephone poles.

New Student Welcome Night publicity isn't just word of mouth. Sure, we got a really big banner hanging on the student union out on Sproul Plaza. But we still need our publications, Photoshop, and Illustrator peeps to produce some cool stuff we can hand out to our friends and all the new students on campus.

Let's hear the numbers:

  • 10,000 New Student Welcome Night flyers
  • 5,000 Koinonia Welcome Night flyers
  • 5,000 acts2fellowship Welcome Night flyers
  • 1,000 New Student Welcome Night programs
  • 1,000 Koinonia brochures
  • 1,000 acts2fellowship brochures
Here's the people we can thank for all the pretty, in-full-technicolor prints: Tim, Jesse, Hartie, Kenton, and the whole team of innumerable people folding each of those brochures by hand. And it's not like they pick up all this stuff at Kinko's. They sit in front of the printers as each sheet comes out, hitting "print" for the hundredth time.

And then you have artists: Sieun, Myra, Kaitlyn, Hannah, Irene, and Margaret. One could speculate, perhaps, the reason for the dearth of artists hailing from the alternative gender: maybe they're still figuring out how to color within the lines?

Aug 17, 2007

Music's a big part of our generation. It sounds good, feels good, and it's a part of just about everything we do: driving, walking to class, iTunes, iPod, computer, as you do your homework, when you're not doing your homework, and the list goes on.

It's no wonder then we got music at our Welcome Night. A drummer, bassist, two electrics, an acoustic, piano, and a couple singers. More mics, XLRs, 1/4"s, and speakers than I care to list. But that's not all, Wheeler Auditorium is letting us use their lights. But since we're a high-powered operation, we're bringing moving lights of our own just to make things a bit more fun.

If you like live music, whether to sing along or just to listen, the band's been practicing the past week out of a garage, prepping a set we hope everyone will enjoy, no matter what walk of life you're from or what you listen to.

If you're a musician, sit up front. Watch the bassist and the drummer.

Aug 16, 2007

3 17" Macbook Pros, 2 more 15"s (one Macbook Pro, and the other an older Powerbook), and even a 12" Powerbook: it's not a Mac commercial. It's a group of guys working on a video which will be the last item of the NSWN program. Not going to tell you what it is, but you'll see. Here's the cast of characters doing late nights:

  • Richard's getting an MFA in graphic design. He's number one illustrator
  • Conrad got an MFA in visual effects and he's doing the animation and keyframing. Abe's co-piloting.
  • Paul and Jammy are doing music, sound FX, and making some of their own
  • and Nelson... well, we need someone for comic relief and food, right?
And then there's the voiceovers: Joanna, Jessica, Lisa, and the list goes on.

For you computer i-post-on-youtube gurus out there: Motion, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Illustrator, Soundtrack Pro, and a healthy does of Coke Zero.

Just to fill you in, every year as part of our Welcome Night program we have a video we put up on the Wheeler Auditorium big screen. It's Jason Bourne and Darth Vader rolled into one. This year, in addition, we're having a video-mercial at the end of the program. And that's the project we're working on. It's not quite Pixar and you won't see any hopping desk lamps. But you'll see a jumping house and maybe a dropping anvil. And that's all I'm going to say.

Aug 14, 2007

That's the question, of course, when faced with an uncertain number of people who will show up that night. Do we dream big and hope for a huge turnout, but then overbuy? Or do we go cheap and conservative, but then also set ourselves up for a situation in which lots of people will be disappointed (and hungry)? The latter is not an option and certainly not one of our values.

Thankfully, we have some perspective we can bring to this problem since we've done this barbecue thing several years now.

Last year, we bought, marinated, and grilled 800 lbs of Korean barbecue short ribs. Unfortunately, we also ran out before the half hour was over, and a dispatch was sent to Berkeley's finest, Top Dog and we started grilling sausages, frankfurters, and hot links. The guys didn't mind so much, but it was still a real learning experience.

This year, we're projecting 1000 lbs of meat. That's right, folks. 1000 pounds. I've heard male arctic polar bears stand 11' tall, and,
if they're really well fed, can weigh upwards of 1000 pounds. Now that's perspective.

Aug 9, 2007

With the postcards arriving in the mail and the emails sent, maybe people are finding their way to this site. And for sure, some of you Koinonia and a2f-ers out there are looking on too. So what's the point of this site?

Not only is the design cool (it really is, at least the top banner is), and not only is this a good place to post our trailer, but it's about telling people all the work that's happening in preparation for New Student Welcome Night, and that we're looking to put on a production and welcome program that'll bring laughter, high energy, and maybe even some thought-provoking stuff, ideas that might lead to an early morning epiphany or late-night conversation in the hallway with some friends.

People wonder who we are, how we put on such a huge program, and well, some people don't wonder at all. They just accept it at face value. Either way, there's a lot that happens behind the scenes, and there's plenty of people to celebrate who help make the night of August 23rd happen! This site's a chance to demystify the whole thing, open up the play-by-play, and have some fun at the same time.

What do you think?

If you're curious at all, here's the winning design that was sent to all the incoming students, Wednesday morning.

Wondering how many we sent? We sent 6450 postcards domestically (that includes the States,
including Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and others). We even sent it across international waters: 471, to be exact.

That's a darn lot of postcards.

Aug 8, 2007

Each year, when New Student Welcome Night rolls around, the burden of handling all the administrative stuff for the evening falls on the club Council. But which club? Koinonia or acts2fellowship? The two Councils alternate each year, and this year the Koinonia Council is at the helm.

One of the things we talked about last night was tabling, which Brian's in charge of. "Wait a second," you're thinking, "What's tabling?"

The first two weeks of school, everyone's out on Sproul Plaza, flyering their events, setting up their table with all the pamphlets and photos and (if you're lucky) candy, telling people about their club or organization, and it's just plain crazy! Of course, we're all into joining the fun and hustle on Sproul Plaza and we hope one of our flyers finds you!

Aug 7, 2007

It's a New Student Welcome Night tradition to have an uproariously hilarious skit. Generally, we get there. But it's not without logging serious hours, jumping up and down, putting on costumes, taking them off, moving props around, and repeating some lines over and over and over again to get it just right. It's a high bar to reach NSWN-readiness, and by the end of all the practices, pretty much everyone on the skit team can recite each other's lines just as well as they can recite their own.

The inestimable Josh, theater arts major, is skit director, and taking the stage is James, Annie, Steve, Jacob, and Angela. Of course, it's about the behind-the-scenes peeps too: Sang on music, and Wanda taking care of props and costumes. The plan, as far as I know, is they're scheduling about 18 hours of practice in the next two weeks so they'll be stage-ready and funny. The first won't be a problem. The second... well... we'll have to wait and see...!

Aug 6, 2007

As the publications machinery starts cranking, we got aspiring designers, Photoshop gurus, Photoshop peons, and everyone in between putting stuff together. It's a ton of fun on Friday nights seeing people put their heads together and try their hand at being artsy, creative, and innovative. That doesn't mean we are. It just means we're trying!

Yesterday, after eating at Asian Ghetto, a bunch of people spent 3 hours (yes, you read that right: three hours) putting labels and stamps on postcards so they're ready to get dropped off in the mail.

But for every design that gets the stamp of unanimous approval, there's always a bunch that got the ax, that just didn't quite make the cut. Here's a sampling of those that didn't make it... but we're still appreciative of all the work! Good job guys!

Aug 2, 2007

Every year we try to greet new students the old-fashioned way: with snail mail. After all, in a world of emails, IM, blogs, and text messaging, few things are as pleasant as getting something handed to you by the U.S. Postal Service with your name on it.

The tough question is: What's the final product going to look like?

Jul 27, 2007

After several weeks of coding, tweaking, and finding bugs, at last this NSWN website is done! Hooray for Jon! He did all the hard work. In case you're wondering, this site is custom coded into a three column format. You probably won't find a cooler site on!

Time to let everyone else in on the fun and spread the news about this site. We're hoping it'll be a great way for people to find out what to expect the night of New Student Welcome Night, and also to provide a window into all the work that goes on behind the scenes.

In other news, Ben and the publications people are hard at work trying to produce an as-close-as-possible-to-final-as-we-can-get design of the postcard, which we're going to send to all of the new students welcoming them to Cal and introducing our group. Be on the lookout for some of the early drafts which I'll be posting once we figure out how this photostream thing works...

Jul 25, 2007

Big props to Andrew for finishing the video trailer for NSWN! We posted it to youtube, and put it on this website over there at the top of the column on the right. The video makes us look almost cool. Now Andrew just has to finish editing the NSWN video itself...

The other stuff rumbling in the NSWN machinery:

  • Brainstorming for Welcome Week activities
  • Sieun and Myra working on the postcard design (I'll put up some pictures soon)
  • Angela applying for our NSWN bbq permits (Thanks, Angela!)
  • Kenton reserving Lipman Room for Koinonia Welcome Night ( Aug. 30)
  • Bunch of people working on the a2f Welcome Night video... I think they're storyboarding now
  • Got ourselves a table at the Summer Bridge Club Fest on Aug. 6
  • And, of course, the Deathly Hallows...

Jul 20, 2007

Yes, we said the Barbecue would be next up for discussion, but first things' first. These days it's all about reserving rooms.

Got to get the room for New Student Welcome Night, reserve the Campanile Plaza and Memorial Glade for the pre-NSWN barbecue, and what about the acts2fellowship Welcome Night and the Koinonia Welcome Night the week after? We want to make sure there's enough time to hang out afterwards, so we need another room for that. It's endless! We haven't even started talking about rooms for weekly bible studies and small groups.

Thankfully, the two Councils have been doing a lot of running around on campus, talking to administrators (really nice, great, wonderful and lovely administrators!... in case they're reading), getting permits (we need a food permit and an outdoor amplified sound permit in order to do our NSWN barbecue), logging in hours on the UCB room reservation website, and overall just making sure there's an auditorium for people to show up at.

Reserving rooms: who'd 'a thought it'd be so tedious and time-consuming? But thank goodness buds like John, Paulina, and Jasper (mighty seniors!) have been so willing to run ahead and pull the NSWN 2007 cart.

Jul 17, 2007

Each year, we mail something to the new students, some way to say hi and introduce our group. It used to be a letter, and then that seemed too frumpy, so we changed it to a postcard. It was cheaper that way too and coincided with the entire revolution to print stuff in color.

This year, we thought we'd do something a little different. If we can, of course we'd still like to send a postcard welcoming new students. It's a small gesture for us to say hello, congratulate new students as they prepare to arrive to Berkeley, and introduce what our group's about. It's also an invitation for them to join us at New Student Welcome Night and some of our welcome week activities. It's something like 3000 postcards we'll be mailing out so Ben's making sure we get the ball rolling: design, printing, and then mailing.

Additionally, however, we thought we'd start by making this website (which is still under construction), and also jump on the web where many of our members already currently live, breathe, and eat. Seeing as how
Youth Trends notes that 69% of women and 56% of men ages 17-25 are on Facebook, we're going to set up a Facebook NSWN2007 event (which will be connected to this site) so we can invite our friends and new friends that way too.

Trying new things, and rethinking some old ones. Next up: the NSWN barbecue.

Jul 12, 2007

Thankfully, NSWN is not a solo effort. There's plenty of people to help, and good thing too. Take this website for example. It may be hosted on, but we felt the templates offered were a poor selection. Frankly, they hurt our eyes. So all our flashy designers being tagged to projects already, we thought, "Hey, there's plenty of good stuff out there. Why design from scratch when there's templates for us to modify?" After a little research, we found elegant themes and beautiful ones too.

So here's the question: Having chosen the design, who's going to do the hard work and cut up the template, modify it for our needs, and then put it into a language blogger can understand?

Good thing Berkeley has a stunning CS department (although their webpage isn't anything to look at), and good thing there's people on the NSWN crew who hail from that stunning department. Koinonia web-man Jon Yen is tackling the redesign and putting this site together. Next step is to think about what info, videos, and pictures should occupy this space. But, of course, that's another conversation for another day.

Jul 11, 2007

July 11 might be the official launch date of this blog, but it's ain't the beginning of New Student Welcome Night 2007 planning. That started some weeks ago. The old councils met together and did the handoff, and the ball started rolling. This website's just playing at catch up.

One of the first things on the table as we were planning were ideas for different videos: a new NSWN video and a NSWN ad. For those of you who worked on the last NSWN video, you're probably thinking, "That's a lot of work! Do we have enough time?" And others are wondering, "What's a NSWN ad?" Both questions are good. And answers are going to be vague, because part of the fun is that the whole night is looking to surprise: not only new Berkeley students and friends attending our event, but also our own Koinonia and acts2fellowship members! Awesome.

Stay tuned. We're just getting started.

View the Trailer!

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Who We Are

Welcome Week

Welcome Week is notoriously boring. Don't believe us? Well, just wait and you'll see... here's some ways to inject some fun into the week, meet some people, and get introduced to the community we're talking about when we say "fellowship"

  • Dim Sum Talk Some
  • Fondue & Your Future
  • Hoops & Hamburgers
  • Small Group Open House
  • Strike!
  • Taquitos & Talk
  • and more...

Interested? Check out the acts2fellowship and Koinonia websites for more info, contact numbers, and meeting times!